It’s easy to think that SEO work — whether it’s doing the work yourself or working with an SEO agency — will result in a boost in search engine rankings immediately. The truth is far different, as solid SEO work does not happen overnight. Effective search engine optimization strategy is a process that involves multiple steps; each of these steps needs to be executed flawlessly in order for real improvements in search engine rankings to occur.

A cornerstone of much of this early work will be the “under the hood” work that goes into ensuring that a site is ready to be indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing. This infrastructure work is far from sexy and it won’t lead to immediate results but making sure that issues such as broken links, site maps and redirects are in place are critical if any future progress is going to be made in implementing an SEO campaign.

surviving seo initial stages

If you are doing your own SEO work on your site, there’s a good chance that you’ll be overwhelmed at some point with the sheer amount of behind the scenes work that needs to go into getting a website completely ready for search engine optimization. In many cases, it makes sense to work with an SEO agency like eVisible, which has helped countless companies get through the initial steps needed to launch an SEO campaign. SEO firms understand the challenges of improving a website’s infrastructure and working with one from the start can help you to avoid some of the common pitfalls that can delay positive ranking results.

If you have made the decision to work with an SEO agency, it’s important to have patience through the early steps of the campaign as the firm deals with the infrastructure of your site. The changes that need to be made in order to make a site SEO friendly often can’t happen in a few weeks. It may take several weeks or even months before it’s time to develop content that will improve your search engine ranking. Having a plan in place from the start with your SEO firm that has a timeline with set deadlines will help you make sure your agency is staying on track while alleviating your concerns.